Not Thrownin’ Away My Shot

I am going to share a few helpful tips on how to stay on track with your goals in the next two blog entries. I know that I am still young and have hardly experienced life to be giving advice, but I can communicate what I have found to be useful. I also hope that someone can take away a piece of my advice and use it for their own situations. By exploring the MySSC Portal, I was able to establish my safety net at South Suburban College.

By taking the time to actually look into my SSC portal, I found some very useful tools to help keep me on track. The ACADEMIC PLANNING section, which appears under the WebAdvisor Self-Service Menu, is one of the most important sections that I strongly urge everyone to take a look at! Making a list of my future classes has made each registration less complicated. In a strange way, I felt like I had something in order in my life for once.

The first tool I used was the PROGRAM EVALUATION, located under the ACADEMIC PLANNING section. It will lay out everything that you have taken and the classes you are currently enrolled in. This will also breakdown what areas have yet to be completed.

I made sure to print out a copy for my personal record, so I can keep track of what I need to register for the upcoming semesters. Just a heads up, if you previously failed a class, it will also let you know if it has any impact on your GPA. Let me just say that I had an upsetting wake-up call looking back at grades, so this has been an enormous reason on wanting to stay focused.

Now is the time to dive into the PLAN COURSES section! There is a total of eight clickable links, but the one I focus on is the Create/Add to Worksheet.


This is the area where you can build your own plan of what you will need to complete your degree, and how many credits each will be worth. Personally, I spent more than two hours researching classes and putting together a plan.

Another quick note, just because you create a plan, it does not mean that it is set in stone. You can modify your list of any or all courses until you are satisfied. I often find myself going back to make sure I still feel content with my choices. I am highly aware that a planned out worksheet of future classes does not guarantee that someone will remain on track. However, these are tiny steps I’ve taken to stay on my course. I am sure that everyone has their own plan, and I would love to hear about how you select classes. Don’t be afraid to stop me in the hallway and share your story!

“May your choices reflect you HOPES, not your fears.”

-Nelson Mandela