Emergency Closure Procedures

Emergency Closure

In the unlikely event of a campus closing due to weather or other emergency, campus closing information may be obtained through SSC’s web site, College Messaging System, or the Emergency Closing Center™.

Emergency Closing Center™ broadcasts closures can be obtained through:



  • www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
    Search for closings by name and city (South Suburban College, South Holland, IL).Also allows subscription to personalized email notification.

If you do not hear or see a message regarding College operations via one of these sources, assume that the College is operating on its normal schedule.

Emergency Procedures

The College has established the following procedures in the event of an emergency:

  1. If an injury or illness occurs on campus, immediately call the Campus Police at extension 2235. Give your name: describe the nature and severity of the medical problems and the campus location of the victim.
  2. Stay on the phone for instructions.
  3. Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located on every floor of the Main Campus and at the Athletic and Physical Fitness Center (Gym). An AED is also located at the Oak Forest Center. AEDs are for medical emergency use by trained rescuers.
  1. Upon discovery of smoke and/or fire, activate the nearest fire alarm pull box.
  2. When the building fire alarm is sounded or when told to leave by the Campus Police and/or college official(s), walk quickly to the nearest marked exit, and alert others to do the same. Gather and take personal belongings with you (e.g., purse, book bag, car keys, coat).
  4. Once outside, move to a clear area away from the affected building. Keep the streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  5. DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless directed to do so by the Campus Police.

Notify Campus Police at extensions 2235, 5725, or 5726 as soon as possible and supply them with the following information:

  1. Nature of the incident
  2. Location of incident
  3. Identity and descriptions of person(s) involved
  4. Description of property involved DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless directed to do so by the Campus Police.

Written reports are made on all complaints and calls.

  1. Gather and take personal possessions with you.
  2. Proceed to hallway or other lighted area.
  3. Wait for instructions from College Administration.

When indoors, seek shelter in lower level interior areas AWAY FROM WINDOWS

  1. Call the Campus Police at extension 2235.
  2. In case of an immediate life-threatening event, each individual should take action necessary to protect his or her life.
  3. If it is possible to flee the area safely and avoid danger, do so.
  4. If flight is impossible, attempt to secure yourself in a safe area.

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