Staff Directory

Athletic Director Steve Ruzich (708) 210-5843 sruzich
Athletic Department Administrative Assistant Cheryl Plath (708) 596-2000 x2334 cplath
Head Men’s Baseball Coach Steve Ruzich (708) 210-5843 sruzich
Head Men’s Basketball Coach John Pigatti (708) 596-2000 x2524 jpigatti
Head Women’s Basketball Coach Darrell Scott (708) 596-2000 x2576 dscott
Head Men’s and Women’s Soccer Coach Josè Gonzalez (708) 596-2000 x2002 jgonzalez
Head Women’s Softball Coach Ken Crandol (708) 596-2000 x2578 kcrandol
Head Women’s Volleyball Coach Michelle Orth (708) 596-2000 x2575 morth
Athletic Trainer and Personal Trainer Michael Hornbuckle (708) 596-2000 x2334